7/8/09 LR meeting

Joel Butkowski of Butkowski Digital Imaging will discuss his workflow using Lightroom and seefile.

Melissa Gaul, Lightroom Technical Evangelist, will talk about Lightroom resources available online.

Rikk Flohr, professional photographer and trainer, will discuss his specialty Identity Plates in the Print and Slideshow modules
(transition slides, start and finish slides)

Steve Bye, photographer and trainer, will discuss fixing chromatic aberration as well as using Photoshop Droplets as a part of Lightroom’s export process.

Location – Easel Solutions, 7pm to 9pm.

6/10/09 PS meeting

Jeanne Rubbo – Photoshop news and tips from the NAPP helpdesk (PDF – 187k).
Cory Shubert – Bridge tips and tricks.
Stuart Block – Sharpening in LAB.
Jeff Tranberry – Matching colors using curves via a script:

Location – MCAD auditorium, 7pm to 9pm.

5/13/09 LR meeting

Rick Spaulding will talk about the latest in digital SLR equipment – everything from camera bodies, to lenses and flashes.

Rikk Flohr, professional photographer and trainer, will discuss his Lightroom HDR worklow as well as configuring and using external editors in Lightroom (including Enfuse and the Photomatix LR Plugin.)

The HDR workflow consists of:

  1. ID Images and stack by time
  2. Find bracketed image set in Lightroom
  3. Zero Settings using the preset.
  4. On darkest image set recovery to keep brightest highlights out of Recovery area of histogram. Some images may require an adjustment of 100
  5. Go to middle exposure and adjust Chromatic Aberrations on the Detail tab.
  6. Adjust Chromatic Aberrations on each over and under exposed image individually.
  7. Select all bracketed and go to PHOTO-EDIT IN-Merge to HDR in Photoshop
    In Photoshop, process the HDR into a 32 bit image through the Merge to HDR dialog adjusting the sliders to retain highlights and shadows.
  8. Convert to 16 Bit and select the best looking item from the pull down.
  9. Adjust the curves in the Convert dialog to almost touch the blacks and whites.
  10. Close Photoshop. (Save when prompted) (Image will reappear in Lightroom.)
  11. Adjust (in this order) White Balance, Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light, Blacks, Clarity.
  12. Set Saturation to +10
  13. Adjust Vibrance to taste.
  14. Crop, fine tune etc.
  15. Edit in Photoshop to do final cloning and miscellaneous adjustments.

For PhotoMatix or Enfuse, substitute steps 7-11 with export and processing through the appropriate program. With PhotoMatix processing omit step 13 as necessary.

Rikk Flohr © 2009

Craig Marble, Senior Lightroom QE Lead, will give out some insider tips about presets in Lightroom which are:

  1. Import – File Naming
  2. Import – Develop Settings
  3. Import – Metadata
  4. Library – Keyword Sets
  5. Library – Metadata
  6. Library – Identity Plates
  7. Library – Filter Presets
  8. Library – Color Label Sets
  9. Library ‐ External Editor Preset
  10. Develop – Presets Panel
  11. Develop – Local Corrections Adjustment Brush
  12. Develop – Local Corrections Gradient Filter
  13. Develop – Camera Calibration Profiles
  14. Develop – Crop Aspect Ratio (this is more like recent settings than a preset)
  15. Develop – Camera Default Settings
  16. Slideshow – Templates
  17. Slideshow – Custom Text – Text Template Editor
  18. Print – Templates
  19. Print – Photo Info – Text Template Editor
  20. Web – Templates
  21. Web – FTP Settings
  22. Export – Presets
  23. Export – File Naming
  24. Export – Post Processing

Q & A session and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

Members of the Photoshop and Lightroom development teams will be on hand to help answer questions.

Location – Easel Solutions, 7pm to 9pm.

4/8/09 PS meeting

Jeanne Rubbo – NAPP Help Desk Tips including the New Watermark Creator panel
Paul Howlett – HDR and Photomatix
Steve Bye – Masks Panel/Refine Edg
Jeff Tranberry – Misc CS4 tips and tricks

Q & A session and giveaways will follow. (Must be present to win)

Cory will point out some of the features of the Facebook group.

Lastly, Ben Willmore will be in the Twin Cities April 15th for his Photoshop® CS4 for Photographers seminar at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Location – MCAD auditorium, 7pm to 9pm.