11/11/09 LR meeting

Steve Bye – Lightroom 3.0 Beta Develop module changes/features
Rikk Flohr – Lightroom 3.0 Beta Slideshow and Watermarking changes/features
Jamie Thinglestad – Lightroom 3.0 Beta Publish/Flikr integration
Andrew Rahn – Lightroom 3.0 Beta new Import workflow.

Location – Easel Solutions, 7pm to 9pm.

9/12/09 LR meeting

Michael Guncheon is a photographer and contributing editor for Digital Photo (formerly PCPhoto), Outdoor Photographer and Digital Photo Pro. His images have appeared in books, magazines and calendars. He is an award winning video editor and partner at HDMG, Minneapolis, cutting music videos, documentaries and commercials.

Guncheon is the Tech Editor and columnist for HDVideoPro. Besides writing many popular Magic Lantern Guides he is the author of the seminal Kodak Digital Photoguide.

Micheal will cover:

  • A new RAW calibration tool: Create your own accurate custom white balance, obtain neutrality data from multiple light sources and correct highlight and shadow details.
  • Using Nik Software tools with Lightroom. Overview of Define 2.0, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Silver Efx Pro and Sharpener Pro.

Rikk Flohr’s
images have been featured in the Twin Cities Media, the Minnesota DNR, the National Wildlife Refuge and the National Park Service. Rikk teaches Photography and Digital Image Editing at various Twin Cities’ photographic organizations, & national software conferences like PowerPoint Live.

Rikk will cover:

  • Client Jobs: Memory Card to Web Gallery in 30 Minutes: Through surgical use of Metadata and Develop presets as well as some smart filtering you can go from importing images into Lightroom, basic editing, keywording, selection, ranking and finally collection into a live web gallery in under 30 minutes. This workflow works well for Portrait and Event photography but its concepts can be applied to any type of photographic subject.

Location – Easel Solutions, 7pm to 9pm.