LR Meeting (01/14/15) at Concordia St. Paul campus

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet this Wednesday, January 14th, 2015, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul. The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.
Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

The presenters are as follows:
* John Rubbo: Before/After demo (Milky Way photography)
* Jeanne Rubbo: Before/After demo
* Rikk Flohr: Q&A session

As always, Q&A and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

LR Meeting (11/12/14) at Concordia St. Paul campus

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet next Wednesday, November 12th, 2014, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul. The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.
Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

The presenters are as follows:
* Jim Vasquez: Lightroom and Nik Silver Efex Pro in his music photography.
* Craig Marble: Before and after versions of an image in Lightroom.
* Rikk Flohr: Topics requested on the Facebook group. Feel free to add a request if you haven’t already done so (link to the FB group is at the bottom of this e-mail).

As always, Q&A and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

PS Meeting (10/8/14) at Concordia St. Paul campus

The Twin Cities Photoshop User Group will meet next Wednesday, October 8th, 2014, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul. The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.
Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

This is the first Photoshop meeting since the release of Photoshop CC 2014, so we’ll be demoing some of the new features.

As always, a Q & A session and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)