Author Archives: rflohr

Twin Cities Lightroom User’s Group Meeting – September 2018

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet Wednesday, September 12, 2018, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul.

Since we last met:

Lightroom Classic CC 7.4 and 7.5,
Lightroom CC 1.4 and 1.5,
Lightroom iOS 3.3 and 3.4,
& Lightroom Android 3.5 and 3.6

were released. We will be diving into some of the new features of these releases.

The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.

Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

As always, a Q & A session and great giveaways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

Twin Cities Lightroom Users Group – June Meeting

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet Wednesday, June 13, 2018, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul.

We will be showing off a few of the updates to Lightroom Classic CC 7.3.1, Lightroom CC 1.3, and the mobile and web clients. In addition, we are currently soliciting topics for items you might like to see discussed or presented at this month’s meeting.

The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.

Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

As always, a Q & A session and great giveaways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

Lightroom Ecosystem User’s Group Meeting

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet Wednesday, March 14, 2018, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul.

We are currently soliciting topics for items you might like to see discussed or presented at this month’s meeting.

The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.

Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

As always, a Q & A session and great giveaways will follow. (Must be present to win.)



Lightroom Ecosystem Users Group 12/13/2017

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet Wednesday, December 13th, 2017, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul.

There have been a lot of changes in the Lightroom Ecosystem since last we met. We will be taking advantage of having some ranking team members from the Lightroom family of products present to allay your confusion, answer your burning questions and demo products and features. I hope to see you there!

The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.

Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

As always, a Q & A session and great giveaways will follow. (Must be present to win.)