Author Archives: jrubbo

Canceled: No Lightroom User Group Meeting on September 10th, 2014

The Lightroom User Group meeting for this month (September 10th, 2014) has been canceled due to lack of presenters. The next Lightroom meeting is scheduled for November.

Since this is a user group, we would like to get more group members involved in presenting. We have been making requests for presenters on the Facebook group ( without any response so far. The demos can be as simple and short as you want. Please contact Jeanne Rubbo (jrubbo AT adobe DOT com) if you are interested, or if you would like more information on what this entails.

Thanks in advance.

LR Meeting (7/9/14) at Concordia St. Paul campus

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet this Wednesday, July 9th, 2014, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul. The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.

Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

Rikk Flohr will be presenting and the topics will include the recent Creative Cloud updates to Lightroom, such as Lightroom mobile for iPhone and the update for Lightroom Mobile on the iPad.

We will also talk about the new Creative Cloud Photography Plan.

As always, Q&A and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

Canceled: No Photoshop User Group Meeting on June 11th, 2014

The Photoshop User Group meeting for this month (June 11th, 2014) has been canceled.

However, there are a couple of upcoming events this month that you won’t want to miss.

The Creative Cloud launch is on June 18th:

The Creative Cloud Event Minneapolis with Terry White is on June 26th:

If you have any questions or comments about Photoshop or these events, please post on our Facebook page: