Author Archives: jrubbo

LR Meeting (05/13/15) at Concordia St. Paul campus

The Twin Cities Lightroom User Group will meet this Wednesday, May 13th, 2015, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul. The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 214/215. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.
Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

Lightroom CC/6 was just released, and so the evening’s demos will focus on the new features.

As always, Q&A and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)

PS Meeting (2/11/15) at Concordia St. Paul campus

The Twin Cities Photoshop User Group will meet next Wednesday, February 11th, 2015, from 7-9PM at Concordia St. Paul. The meeting location is the Library Technology Center, rooms 218/219. Note that this is a different room, just across the hall from where we usually meet. There will be signage pointing you to the correct room once you arrive at the building. You can park in Lots A, B, H, or E. Parking in these lots is free.
Directions to Concordia St. Paul:

There is a PDF of the campus map at:

The presentations are as follows:
Architectural Photography: Don Wong and Greg Benz will be presenting on different aspects of this topic, including their individual workflows in Photoshop.
Time-lapse Photography: John Rubbo will give an overview of time-lapse photography and how to assemble the captured photos in Photoshop.

As always, a Q & A session and great give-aways will follow. (Must be present to win.)